In addition to these variables there are the RGB and Hue variables. The numbers indicate the the value of the variable during render.
3D Modeling, Texturing and Lighting Artist. Resume
In addition to these variables there are the RGB and Hue variables. The numbers indicate the the value of the variable during render.
There seems to be a bug with DOF when using e_screenshot. I was able to capture the DOF using printscreen. However, DOF does work with captureFrames command.
The following screenshots were taken within the Sandbox 2 Editor using e_screenshot 1. Each screenshot was taken at 2560*1440 and was then down-sampled to1280*720. This process reduces aliasing. In order to remove the Dev information in the Editor, r_DisplayInfo was set to 0. The sun was used as the default light and intensity set to 10.
SSAO = 3
SSAO = 2
SSAO = 1
SSAO = 0
Increasing the SSAO beyond the value of 2 significantly degrades render quality creating several artifacts.
The following screenshots were taken within the Sandbox 2 Editor using e_screenshot 1. Each screenshot was taken at 2560*1440 and was then down-sampled to1280*720. This process reduces aliasing. In order to remove the Dev information in the Editor, r_DisplayInfo was set to 0. The sun was used as the default light and intensity set to 10.
HDR = 0